
Sample Dictionary Question

Sample question only. The task is similar to what will be evaluated during the exam.


Imagine you have a dictionary such as student_scores below where each key is a student and the value is their score on a test.

student_scores = {‘Zack’: 93, ‘Anne’: 87, ‘Kyle’: 98, ‘Pam’: 45}

Complete the function sorted_students so that it returns a list of each student who has scored at least a 75. Sort the list by the student scores descending.

Function Start

def sorted_students ( student_scores ):

   #TO DO


Function Output

The sorted list of students

[ ‘Kyle’ , ‘Zack’ , ‘Anne’ ]

    Sample String Question

    Sample question only. The task is similar to what will be evaluated during the exam.


    Imagine you have a string that represents an individual’s email address.

    email = ‘[email protected]

    Complete the function email_domain so that it returns the email address domain (everything after the @ symbol). In the example above, it should return ‘gmail.com’.

    Function Start

    def email_domain ( email ):

       #TO DO


    Function Output

    The email domain of the email address


      Sample Pandas Question

      Sample question only. The task is similar to what will be evaluated during the exam.


      Imagine you have a dataframe such as the table below

      a b c
      150 ‘Google’ 6.6
      200 ‘Facebook’ 8.0
      75 ‘Google’ -4.5

      Complete the function df_filtering so that it returns a dataframe that only keeps rows where column b is equal to ‘Facebook’ or column a is at least 100.

      Function Start

      def df_filtering ( df ):

         #TO DO


      Function Output

      The filtered dataframe


      a b c
      150 ‘Google’ 6.6
      200 ‘Facebook’ 8.0

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