Sample Count, Group By, and Aggregate Question
Sample question only. The task is similar to what will be evaluated during the exam.
Imagine you have a table such as email_clicks below with the following fields.
field | type |
email_click_id | int |
customer_id | int |
email_id | int |
email_click_date | date |
email_subject | varchar |
Create a view that gets a list of all of the customer IDs that had multiple email_clicks. The output should be two columns – 1 for the customer_id and another for the number of email clicks.
Expected Output
customer_id | number_of_clicks |
100 | 2 |
Sample Join Question
Sample question only. The task is similar to what will be evaluated during the exam.
Imagine you have tables such as email_clicks and customers below
field | type |
email_click_id | int |
customer_id | int |
email_id | int |
email_click_date | date |
email_subject | varchar |
field | type |
customer_id | int |
customer_name | varchar |
customer_joined_date | date |
Create a view that gets a list of all of the customer names that have clicked on at least one email.
Expected Output
customer_name |
Jane |
Alex |
Finding Nulls Question
Sample question only. The task is similar to what will be evaluated during the exam.
Imagine you have a table such as email_clicks below.
field | type |
email_click_id | int |
customer_id | int |
email_id | int |
email_click_date | date |
email_subject | varchar |
Create a view that gets a list of all of the customer_ids and email_ids that are missing an email_subject (i.e. the email_subject is NULL).
Expected Output
customer_id | email_id |
101 | 2000 |
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